Although it sure might seem like it at times, you are not actually a slave to your feelings.


✨ PSA—-YOUR thoughts CREATE YOUR feelings. 🤯✨

Guess what?

Although it sure might seem like it at times, you are not actually a slave to your feelings.

You have far more power and control over your feelings than you might know.

In order to let go of feelings that aren’t really serving you, you can simply let them be there to FEEL them. In less than 5 minutes they are almost always less intense. And then, you can be in control by choosing more productive thoughts. But to do this, you must first become the watcher of your own thoughts.

Here’s how:

💙Become aware of your thoughts

Take a look at your thoughts as an outside observer might, without trying to change anything. Ask yourself ” What am I thinking?” Consider if those thoughts are serving you. Get curious.

💜Create a new thought

Are there any other ways to think about the situation? What possible alternatives are there? You may want to choose a new thought that feels lighter and more enjoyable. Just make sure it’s a thought that you can actually believe.

Whenever you notice yourself falling into old, negative thought patterns, practice asking yourself “Why am I choosing to think this?”

How much better can you make yourself feel by choosing to think more productive thoughts?

Are you ready to start showing up differently in your life?

Book a Discovery Consultation with me and let me show you how you can start stepping into your best self. 🦋

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