
One week ago today we drove off leaving our eldest to start the next phase of her life, and we also started ours.

I realized I spent the days prior to her college move-in date resisting my feelings of sadness, fear, excitement, etc in order to keep my shit together for her, to give her a safe and stable space. That was my thought at least.

The moment we hugged her that last time before driving off, I started to allow myself to feel all the feels. I mean, REALLY feel ALL the feels. It was mostly grief because I had not allowed myself to process anything prior to then.

This past week at home I have given myself grace to really process all of my feelings and also noticed my increased awareness of the thoughts I was, and am, still having about all of us entering this next phase of our lives.

We are proud to have succeeded in raising an independent and bright 🤩young woman and we are excited for all that her future has to offer. 🥰
We are also feeling the weight of sadness 😩 realizing that our home will truly never ever be the same unit of 4 +2 (🐶🐶 that is)😜.
And, we are frightened 😰 that COVID may steal away from her the experiences that we all would have normally had just 2 years ago at this same time.

I left her with these words to live by:
Be safe, be kind, be you!

Hugs to all the college-bound families this season. 🥰
They know it is hard on us.
Give yourself grace.
Feel all the feels.
Because life is 50/50.💜💙

Let's Char

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