Happy National Women Physicians Day!

Happy National Women Physicians Day!

Did you know that half of female physicians are likely to spend 16 minutes or more with a patient, compared to 42 percent of males. Also, female physicians’ communication style tends to be more patient-centered. Female doctors also have a better record of persuading patients to make lifestyle changes.

Past research in a primary care setting suggest there could be differences in how male and female physicians practice. This included reports that female doctors spent more time with patients, provided more patient-centered care and care with an empathic focus.


Not to diminish many of our amazing male colleagues, including my hubby, but pointing out that as women physicians we do carry multiple hats, juggle home and work life, and are complete badasses. Our compensation should not be less simply because of our gender.

To all of my amazing sister docs out there, here’s to you today!

Celebrate all of your accomplishments, your fails as badges of experience, and all of your wins still to come. 🐛💙💜🦋

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