
We all remember exactly where we were when the first plane hit.

I was in residency and had just arrived at my outpatient pediatric ENT clinic rotation. I vividly recall walking into the waiting room entrance and seeing a plane fly directly into the North Tower on the TV.

I remember running right out of the clinic and immediately calling my Dad whose office was in the Capitol Building in D.C. over and over and over, only to repeatedly hear the twangy “All circuits are busy” message.
I remember the panic setting in.

Having seen all of the images and hearing all the stories over the past 20 years of the countless families whose lives were forever changed that day make my memories from that day seem so inconsequential.
It is amazing how despite being lucky enough to not have one family member or friend directly impacted by this tragedy, I was so deeply impacted by it and continue to be. Today, my thoughts around this event still create feelings of despair and generate empathy for those who were impacted.

Let’s spend some time today being grateful for everything we have and being there for those who need that extra support and love.

Never Forget those individuals who were lost, those individuals who overcame their fear and took extraordinary action that day, and those individuals who demonstrated what is possible when we come together and spread the good that exists in all of us.

Let's Char

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