So many women have trouble seeing the difference between self-care and being selfish.

So many women have trouble seeing the difference between self-care and being selfish.
When you think someone is being selfish, it may simply mean they are taking care of their own needs first, for their own sake, so they can then take better care of others.
When you are taking care of yourself, you are putting yourself first so that you can pour from a full cup and show up fully present.
Being selfish means you are honoring your own personal needs or pleasures first, so you can recharge. And that’s NOT a bad thing.
When you constantly put yourself last, you will burn yourself out and really be of no use, if not a burden, to others.
When you’re burned out you become resentful, snippy, impatient, and angry. You may say and do things you wouldn’t have otherwise done if you were rested.
Self-care is a gift to yourself, but it is also a gift to everyone around you. When you put yourself first, you are able to show up and give your best in every situation. 🙌
Are you ready to learn how being selfish can transform your life?
Book a Discovery Consultation with me today and let’s get started. 🦋
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