“This picture would have been nicer if she wasn’t holding her nose…”


People will criticize you. Expect it.

Where we get in trouble is when part of us believes the criticism to be true. We make it mean something about ourselves when it really doesn’t.

If someone told you that that your orange house is ugly, but you knew you didn’t own an orange house, you wouldn’t care about what they said.
It’s when we think that a piece of what they are criticizing us about is true that we let it get to us.

Don’t let the criticisms you hear make you stop what you are doing. Stick to your guns. Remember, not everyone is going to like you.

And be aware that fighting criticism with criticism only increases negative energy.
Refrain from creating more negativity.

Lack of approval is devastating, but disapproval is worse.
Challenge yourself to get to a point where you are not seeking constant approval.

The only approval you need to show up, is YOUR OWN!

Let's Char

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