This week we’ve been talking a lot about the Manual.
The Manual is the special set of rules that we keep in our heads about what other people should do or say, essentially how we EXPECT them to behave. 👀
If people fail to adhere to our (often unspoken) guidelines, then we usually tend to make their behavior mean something negative about us.
Even if we don’t tell people what we expect from them, we can still end up feeling angry, hurt, and resentful when they don’t live up to our expectations. 😥
Can you let go of the desire to control others by eliminating your expectations?
Imagine how FREEING it would feel to stop constantly feeling upset or disappointed, because you dropped the rope on any expectations you once had?
Imagine how much better your relationships could be if you stopped rating other people’s behavior and making it mean something about you. 💯
What if you chose instead to start taking control of your thoughts and feelings?
What if you believed that everything people did or did not do was really NOT AN ATTACK ON YOU?
Becoming aware of your thoughts is the first step toward choosing the types of thoughts that ultimately create a more empowering reality. 👏
The kind of reality where other people’s actions don’t mean anything at all about you.
Are you ready to live in that reality?
Book a Discovery Consultation with me today and let’s get started. 🦋
#thoughtworkmd #mindset #coaching #women #womenempowerment #womenincontrol #womenphysicians #mindfullness
#successfulwoman #burnoutrecovery #femaledentist #femalephysician #womeninmedicine