Have to ever stopped to think about the fact that most humans have unwritten rule books for most everyone else, expecting them to behave a certain way?
Look around you…do you have people in your life that you have manuals for?
Do you expect your husband to bring you gifts to express his love and then have resentment towards him when he fails to do so?
Do you feel adamantly that your friends should call you once a week to catch up and make it mean the they don’t value the friendship as much as you do when they don’t?
Are you set on the belief that people should show up on time when they make a commitment to meet with you and then feel frustrated and think they don’t value your time when they don’t?
When people happen to meet our expectations by following our manuals for them, we feel good.
But, when a person does not meet our manual requirements, we may react in a regrettable way or think negative thoughts about them, which makes us feel not so good. We are setting ourselves up for a negative result.
In reality, people are free to behave whichever way they would like to.
You give your power away which each and every manual you have.
Your desire to control others is ultimately causing you pain.
Consider letting your manuals for others go!
Let me show you how to stop turning other people’s lack of following your manuals into an attack on yourself.
Empower yourself, and take your power back.