What Other People Say and Do


What other people choose to say or do is really none of our business.

People have the right to form their own opinions about you, good or bad.
Freedom is giving people permission to do so while not blinking an eye, making it mean something or covering up your true self by letting it impact you.

Consider this probability… you don’t like everyone either, right?

Let’s make this relatable, like with chocolate.
It used to blow my mind when I met someone who DIDN’T 💜💙 chocolate.
It doesn’t matter how exquisite the chocolate may have been that I offered them, they still just didn’t like it. (Crazy, I know, but it happens.)

So consider adopting the idea that you can give others permission to judge you, and NOT like you.

Despite what others say or think about us, we will always be the constant in our own life. Be your true self, always. And if you love chocolate, I get you. If you don’t, I get you too. 😉

Photo Credit: Tillovision

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