Are you a people pleaser?
People Pleasing is something that a lot of us do more often than we think.
Don’t get me wrong… being kind to someone is not the same people pleasing.
It’s when you are not being your authentic self.
It’s when you lie to yourself in attempts of getting others to like you or approve of you… or to not rock the boat.
When we do these things, it is considered people-pleasing, and it leads us down a slippery slope.
For example, if you are not OK spending time with unvaccinated family members and just don’t say anything to keep the peace, this is people-pleasing!!
Or if you just don’t want to spend time with Aunt Betty because you don’t even know how Aunty Betty is related to you, and you do it anyway, this is people-pleasing!
Or when you book yourself for 3 social events because you’re scared you’ll hurt the host’s feelings, get uninvited next year or feel obligated for some other reason, this is people-pleasing!!
You don’t need to people-pleasing justify what you are doing and who you are doing it with or WHY to anyone but yourself.
Nobody says you HAVE to do anything but you.
Only you should make those decisions for yourself.
(Like my girl did this summer when she chose to intentionally spend time cooking with her Nani.)
In the end, be truthful with yourself, which is the most important step in becoming your authentic self.
Know your limits, set your boundaries, and honor yourself.
Are you struggling with this? Schedule a discovery session with me and we can work through this together.