How many things do you find on your to-do list when you feel rushed? 50? 25? …3?


How many things do you find on your to-do list when you feel rushed? 50? 25? …3? 🏃
Do you feel rushed regardless of the number of items on your list? 👀
What would REALLY happen if you didn’t finish your to-do list today? 🤔
You might think, “Not finishing my to-do list would make me feel really uneasy.”
But what if you allowed yourself to just sit with that discomfort?
What’s the worst thing that would happen if it didn’t all get done today?
What if you took some time to slow down and be present in the moment instead of being constantly on the go? ☮️
Which would feel worse, the resentment of always feeling rushed, or the temporary discomfort of not finishing the list?
Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is an essential part of growth, as we have to step out of our comfort zones in order to evolve. 👏🏽
You get to choose whether you stay the same, feeling rushed or angry, or you try something new and feel a little bit uncomfortable with not getting every single thing done.
Which feeling would you rather embrace?
If you’re ready to get rid of your to-do list once and for all and start living life on your own terms, reach out to me, and let’s work together to make it happen. 🦋

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