How often do you find yourself getting stressed out about and dreading the holidays?


How often do you find yourself getting stressed out about and dreading the holidays?
You want to see people, AND they drive you crazy.
But why?
Other people’s behavior sparks us to have certain thoughts in our minds…
which is what usually gets us pissed off…
and then leads to us taking actions (like being reactive or snarky) that we often later regret. 😱
There’s nothing you can do to change other people’s behavior, but you CAN change the thoughts you think about them. 👏🏿
It’s simple to fix when you build awareness around it.
👍 Instead of getting defensive, try getting curious.
“I wonder why Aunt Suzy is always so BOLD with her commentary?”
👍 You can ask yourself why people are behaving the way they do and take the time to think about how you want to show up and respond in a way that is conducive to that ideal. Be INTENTIONAL!
“She’s doing what she always does, why would I expect anything different?!- I’m ready to show up the way I intend to.”
👍 Acknowledge that just because you have a belief, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is true.
“My wife makes the best sweet potato pie of anyone I know.” 🤔
👍 You can choose to think thoughts that make you feel empowered instead of angry. And when you are activated, ask yourself WHY? Is there another emotion you are avoiding by taking on being angry instead?
“I know mom will make a comment about my weight, and I am working on it. Before, I made it be an attack on me, and even though it may be hurtful when she comments, I am going to choose to love her anyways.”
👍 You can let people behave how they want to behave and stop making it mean anything about you.
“Is it possible Aunt Suzy put my dessert on the far end of the table because it looks pretty in the layout (not because I automatically think she always hates what I make)?”
Although it might seem impossible, there IS a better way to get through November and December and on to 2024.
Book a Discovery Consultation with me today and save the holidays.

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