
Success isn’t linear. 📈
If you think it is a simple line from A to Z, think again.
You are bound to have slip-ups along the way, to take one step forward and three steps back, to make mistakes and question whether you’re even on the right path.
The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is that successful people DON’T GIVE UP. 👏🏽
It’s important to remember that it’s totally normal to question your purpose. The key is to have a plan of action for when those doubts come into play.
Write down 1-3 reasons that remind you of your compelling “WHY” to remind you why you are doing what you’re doing and keep them somewhere handy (the notes app on your phone is great!) to help you keep on keeping on. 💯
Maybe you’re doing what you do so that you can have the time and financial freedom necessary to spend time with your family or travel whenever and wherever you desire. Maybe you want to change the world or make a positive impact on your community. Whatever your reasons are, write them down!
Want some incentive?
Try asking 5 people to text you what they think you are good at.
What’s your SUPERPOWER?🧙🏼
See how their answers compare to each other’s and to your belief of yourself.
How do their answers reflect on your “WHY”? 🦋💜🦋
When you can remind yourself WHY you’re doing what you’re doing, even in the face of failures and setbacks, you give yourself the fuel you need to keep on going.
And that persistence is what will lead to your success! 🦋
To learn more, click the link below to book a Discovery Consultation with me and find out if Mindset Coaching is right for you! 🦋

Let's Char

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