You are worthy of feeling love just because you exist, just because you were born.


❤️ You deserve to feel love, exactly as you are. ❤️

Not tomorrow.

Not 10 pounds from now.

Not after you get a promotion, or buy that new house in the suburbs, or start a new relationship.

Just Right NOW.

You are worthy of feeling love just because you exist, just because you were born.

Do you believe you have all the power to do so?🤗

You don’t have to wait around for someone else to express their love for you to feel it.

We think that other people’s actions, words, or gifts towards us are what make us feel love.

In actuality, it’s what we think about those actions, words, and gifts from that person that generate the feeling of love in us.

Consider your dream date with the love of your life. Close your eyes and envision every detail of those moments and put yourself there right now. Imagine every detail that would bring you joy and love with them.

Now, replace the love of your life in those images with an active shooter.

Do you still feel that love?

Probably not.

It’s just proof, that it’s really only our THOUGHTS about other people that create the feelings of love we have inside of us.

You can start feeling love right now, by choosing what you want to think and believe. 💯

What is a new way you can think today to generate a feeling love? 🦋

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