
You may wonder why you are so quick to anger.
Why it seems to give you a rush even though you regret the way you showed up later.
You may not understand how your reactions have become so frequent and disproportionate compared to the severity of the situations they arise in.
Consider this… are you feeding it?
The more often we do something, the better we get at it.
And the more often we do something, the more likely it becomes automatic with time.
Like when we have to stop to get gas on the way to work and forget to take the exit because we are so programmed to take the same route.
That’s what happens when anger has become comfortable and familiar response.
It’s become a habit. It is easy. It has a known endpoint.
So how do you stop showing up in ways you later regret?
You stop feeding that behavior.
And that takes extra effort.
It takes more work.
And, you have the power to do it.
I recently launched my online anger course, From Reaction to Response.
This course will explain why you lose your cool, why it happens so fast, and the reasons you keep doing it even though it feels so bad after the fact.
My course will offer you handy tips on how to curb that anger response THAT WORK…
Start the year off with intention- what you say, what you do, and how you show up with others.
You can change your reactions that have somehow become automatic over time and start to show up with intention and in control.
Click the link below to learn more and sign up today.

Let's Char

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