You probably wouldn’t believe that I used to beat myself up


You probably wouldn’t believe that I used to beat myself up
🎭 for not using my training to its fullest extent.
🎭 for not parenting like a supermom
🎭 for not finishing my endless To-Do list
🎭 and for just about anything I could justify as having not been done perfectly.
As a pediatrician, I always felt like I had things in control, and always knew how I could solve any problem.
However, when the pandemic hit in 2020, I suddenly felt anxious that I couldn’t control the outcomes and circumstances in my life that I always felt I had control over.
My pursuit of perfectionism in all aspects of life until the pandemic had prevented me from appreciating the joys in life. Up until then, I has been mindlessly attempting to move towards some future promise of happiness while at the same time not realizing how unhappy I was during the entire ride.
So the gift of the pandemic… it all came to a halt.
That halt gave me a moment to reflect.
It was then that I knew something needed to change. 🦋
Thanks to my coach, I finally was beginning to understand what ‘arrival fallacy’ was and realized this was how I would continue to live if I didn’t make a change.
It was baffling to realize that as a physician I never grasped that my thoughts created my feelings.
Allow me to share with you all that I have learned.
Allow me to help you heal, and then transform, into the best possible version of yourself that you can be. 🦋
Let me help you empower yourself to be exceptional.
Sign up for my 1:1 coaching at the link below. 💙

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