As Shakespeare once said, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”


📢 As Shakespeare once said, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” 📢
Allowing a negative thought to overshadow our entire perspective is all too common.
Here’s the thing: we always have the choice in determining which thoughts we adopt and believe. My clients serve as living proof that we can retain control and make empowered choices.
While some situations are undeniably tough, there’s often a silver lining behind every cloud – the key is knowing how to find it. 👍
If you’ve spent much of your life fixating on the negative or anticipating potential setbacks, know that you’re not alone. It’s a natural instinct to shield oneself from disappointment or harm. 💜
Initiating a mindset shift begins with redirecting our focus, consciously embracing gratitude each day. 🙏🏽
By intentionally acknowledging the positive, we remind ourselves that the balance between good and not-so-good is more even than it seems, depending on where we direct our attention. 💯
Rather than dwelling on the future or lamenting the past, you have the freedom to be fully present and savor life as it unfolds – the 50% good and the 50% not so good.
Sometimes, this means giving the positive aspects and gratitude a bit more airtime.
Curious about making this shift?
Book a Discovery Consultation with me today, and I’ll guide you through the process. 🦋

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