Do you ever wish you could just spend the holidays alone with your dog…and maybe a well-cooked turkey? 🐶 🦃
Does the thought of getting together with family fill you with dread?
News FLASH—–> You have options!
You literally don’t have to go anywhere or do ANYTHING for the holidays that you don’t want to do. 💯
You can learn to set loving boundaries and honor them.
Do this by having a plan of action ready for what you will do if someone says or does something that makes you feel uncomfortable.
While you can’t control other people’s behavior,
you CAN control what you do in response to it. 👈🏼
If your aunt makes a comment about your weight, you can tell her that your size isn’t up for discussion and change the subject.
If your dad starts getting really drunk and making a fool of himself, you can choose to leave.
This is YOUR one, precious life.
There is no reason to do things out of obligation, even if that means skipping out on old traditions or creating new traditions with different people, unless YOU want to. 🐶 🦃
I can help you learn how to let go of trying to control other people’s behavior and set boundaries that make you feel empowered.
Book a Discovery Consultation with me today and let’s make a plan to actually enjoy the holidays. 🦋