Every year, we give thanks for what we have been blessed with, be that friends, family, food or fortune.


Happy Thanksgiving!🦃 🧡
Every year, we give thanks for what we have been blessed with, be that friends, family, food or fortune.
I am thankful that our senior in high school still gives me hugs on his own, and when I ask for them. 💛💚 I am savoring every moment as we get ready for him to launch, including college tours.
I am starting to think about what I want to create in my life after we become empty nesters and am creating those wants now.
Today, I challenge you to spend a few minutes making a list of 25 things YOU want.
Take a minute for yourself, SIT YOUR ASS DOWN, and write it out. Be intentional and mindful in creating your “Want list”.
Then, count how many things you wrote down are things you ALREADY HAVE.
Have you ever stopped to think about how many things you want that you actually already have?
So many times we fail to recognize that many things in life that we really want, are things that we have already been blessed with.
This Thanksgiving, spend some time being thankful for the things that you want…
that you already have.
💜Reflect a little on this.💙
And reach out if you need some help getting the things you don’t already have.
Let that be your new year’s change for YOURSELF.

Let's Char

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