It’s been TWO YEARS since I started by business. Some of you may not know what I do and WHY I do it. So here goes…


It’s been TWO YEARS since I started by business. Some of you may not know what I do and WHY I do it. So here goes…
My name is Dr. Arpita Gupta DePalma and I am the founder of Thought Work, MD. I created this entity to help professional women transform themselves from being simply functional to embracing and thriving in life with their capacity to be EXCEPTIONAL, using the tools provided with mindset coaching. 💜
Here I am at a Conference for Women Physicians, where I had the chance to bond with female badass physicians and share with them some of the tools I benefited from with Mindset Coaching, so they too can begin to see how it can truly change their lives. 💯
When I look back I see that in the past two years I have accomplished a lot.
From speaking engagements, leading multiple group coaching cohorts, signing private coaching clients, running our medical practice, overseeing construction and owning my medical building, and MORE.
I never would have imagined all of the things I have accomplished the past two years. I never before used to give myself credit for all I do.
What can you accomplish? What can you become? What can you give yourself credit for?
My logo for Thought Work, MD was intentional.
It portrays a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon, all captured within the space of a female silhouette. It represents the transformation ALL of our minds are capable of. 🦋
The radical transformation of our minds can follow a similar path as that of the caterpillar: the old must completely break down and dissolve in order to make room for the new. 👏🏼
That’s why burning down the old ways is actually the first step of the process of letting go so that you can rebuild something beautiful: a new you! 💙
Sometimes, you just need a little Mindset Coaching to help you achieve your goals.
That’s what I am here for, to help empower YOU to become EXCEPTIONAL. 🙌
Schedule a Discovery Consult with me today to be on your way.

Let's Char

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