Let this be your sign that it may be time to evaluate your tendencies to lean towards comparisonitis.


Comparisonitis can become an automatic habit. 😕

It’s the pattern of looking all around you for the external validation that you crave, of trying to measure yourself and your life choices next to others, and see who is “better”.

It sucks the joy out of life, and it doesn’t help you to grow or evolve.

🛑 Let this be your sign that it may be time to evaluate your tendencies to lean towards comparisonitis.

The cure?

Focusing on YOURSELF, on what brings you happiness and makes YOU feel good. 👏🏼

Ask yourself, “why aren’t I focusing on internal validation instead”?

Can you let go of the need to constantly see what the next person is doing and beating yourself up for not being where they are?

💜You are on your own unique journey, as are they, so all that matters is what YOUR heart is at peace with.

From the wise Liz Gilbert…

“The space of TRUTH is a very relaxing space.”

It doesn’t matter where the other people are or what they’ve accomplished.

What matters is that you are staying true to your values and following your heart’s desires, not chasing someone else’s goals.

Ready to own who you are and who YOU want to be?

Book a Discovery Consultation with me and let’s get started.