What if everything is happening exactly the way it’s supposed to?


What if everything is happening exactly the way it’s supposed to?
What if all of the mistakes and setbacks are crucial parts of our learning process?
(Like the wind really making this beach tent set up a challenge!)
Can you allow yourself to feel the release of tension when you accept what is as what is. For every negative circumstance we encounter in life, can you ask yourself “What is the gift in this?”
We often make the things that happen in our lives or things that people say to us mean something about ourselves that really isn’t true.
You get to choose your beliefs. You get to choose what you think about yourself. You get to choose how you want to feel.
Can you allow yourself to search for the gift in every situation, even the shitty ones? It may not yet be apparent, but what is the gift?
How do you want to live your life? 🦋
Life is a journey, and while you may not have control over everything that happens along the way, you have more control than you would think over how you react to what happens in your world.
I can teach you how to choose more empowering beliefs.
Reach out for a free Discovery Consultation and let me show you how it’s done.

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