What if you used anxious feelings as a cue to check in on what’s going on in your mind?


Do you suffer from the COMFORT of anxiety? 🧐

Feeling anxiety from time to time is a part of the human experience. However, if you struggle with chronic anxiety, it may be a sign that your anxious feelings have become a habit. 😶

Even though anxiety is extremely uncomfortable, it can become your programmed “comfortable” response to other people’s behavior or things that happen in your life.

The experience of anxiety can actually become your go-to reaction, as the more you experience it, the “better” you get at it.

Have you ever found yourself telling others “I’m just an anxious person”? Or do you refer to your feelings as “my anxiety”?

If so, then it’s likely that experiencing anxiety has become familiar, predictable and now comfortable for you… and a part of your identity. 😦

And, it doesn’t have to be this way.

What if you used anxious feelings as a cue to check in on what’s going on in your mind? To build awareness of what thoughts were building chatter in your head?

What if you stopped using anxiety as an excuse to avoid the things that you fear?

What if you allowed and embraced the anxious feelings, and were able to process them in a way that was productive?

I am here to tell you that you don’t have to live your life ruled by anxiety.

There IS a better way.

Book a Discovery Consultation with me and let’s work together to create a better way of being. 🦋

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