What if you were free to do whatever you wanted, regardless of what other people thought of you?


How much of your life has been dictated by what other people think? 🤔

What if you were free to do whatever you wanted, regardless of what other people thought of you?

Thinking that being less than perfect is not ok leads to insecurity. Instead, can you tolerate the discomfort of NOT BEING PERFECT and accept yourself as a work in progress?? Doesn’t that just FEEL so much better?!! 👏🏻

We often think that we have to exaggerate or pretend like things are better than they actually are in order to appear a certain way in other people’s eyes.

But constantly living in that facade only leads to constant uneasiness and generates deeper feelings of anxiety and low self-worth. 😥

What are some things in your life that you can start to be more genuine and true about?

And how can you begin to share parts of yourself that you have hidden due to a fear of being judged?

When you stop caring what other people think of you, you give yourself the gift of being authentically yourself. And this, my friend, is the greatest gift of all. 🦋

I can help you build honest relationships with yourself first, and then with others.

Reach out to work with me.

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