Comparisonitis is the compulsion to compare your achievements to someone else’s in order to determine our value


Comparisonitis is the compulsion to compare your achievements to someone else’s in order to determine our value. 😒
It can be SO easy to slip into the trap of comparisonitis, especially in a world where so much of our time is spent online.
It always blows my mind watching my son and his friends, and how goofy they are with each other. They don’t give a 💩 about what other people think about them. They don’t really give a 💩 about what others are doing. They stay in their lane and just love having fun. It is authentic living, and I admire them for being their true selves in a phase of life when it can be really hard for them to do that.
When scrolling through social media, it’s easy to see why we can get caught up in the picture-perfect lives of other people, comparing your clothes, your body, your relationships, your career, your accomplishments to theirs. 🙅🏾
The thing is, social media is an illusion. The images you see online are just snapshots of people’s lives, are often times exaggerated, and frequently don’t tell the full story.
It’s hard to believe, but these boys have got it figured out!
So stop comparing yourself to others and start learning how to love yourself and everything you have already accomplished… and continue to create in your beautiful life.🦋
You are 100% worthy as you are and always have been.
I am here to help you applaud and recognize your inherent value and start living the life of you choose to live.
Reach out to me today to book your Discovery Consultation.

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