
We are pleasure-seeking beings.
We are drawn to things like…ice cream, or checking social media notifications, or even just laying down on the couch and watching Netflix…
…all things that are harmless when done in moderation.
It’s when we start letting these choices become habits that we find that we’re putting on weight, or scrolling mindlessly for hours on social media, or neglecting things or people who could benefit from our attention. 😶
So, how do we stop this cycle?
It all starts with our thoughts.
Our thoughts are what create urges, and our urges are what motivate us to take the actions that we take. 👈🏽
Thoughts like
“one bowl of ice cream won’t hurt” or
“I wonder if my co-worker saw that picture I posted, let me just check my Facebook real quick” or
“I know I need to organize my closet, but I worked hard this week so I deserve to chill and watch TV instead.”
These thoughts may seem innocuous enough, but when we keep thinking them over and over, we start to get results that aren’t in alignment with who we really want to be.
To start to change our thoughts, we need to retrain our brains.
The really cool thing is that you can start retraining your brain whenever you want. 👏
The next time you have an urge, can you just sit with it? Not trying to fight it, not giving in to it, but simply allowing it to be there?
We don’t like doing this because it feels UNCOMFORTABLE.
So what.
Can you just be present in the discomfort for a few minutes? What’s the worst that could happen?
You feel your feelings??
If you just sit with it, eventually the urge will dissipate and go away.
A lot of the time, I get distracted and just forget about it!
Interested in more of these types of brain hacks?
Book a Discovery Consultation with me today and let me show you how simple it can be to retrain your brain and transform your life. 🦋