
Adopt a Thought

Do you have uncertainty or unease with what returning to work will be like for you and your family post-pandemic? Consider adopting the thought,“There are some unknowns with how work is going to look in the next few months, and

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Do You Have Uncertainty

Do you have uncertainty or unease with what returning to work will be like for you and your family post-pandemic? Consider adopting the thought,“There are some unknowns with how work is going to look in the next few months, and

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Create Your Mindset

After a long, difficult, and unexpected year, people are finally returning to the workplace. Working remotely was optimal for some, while in contrast others cannot wait to get back into the workplace. Getting ready for the change of pace may

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Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day! Today we appreciate fathers everywhere who provide so much love and support. Thought Work, MD would also like to honor healthcare workers and first responders today. These individuals help their community when they need them the most…putting

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Stop and Think

Look around yourself. Look at all of the different people, places, things. Everything and every one is unique. Let yourself be unique despite what other people may think.Dogs don’t ever seem to care about what other dogs think. And damn,

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Overcome the Worry

We are all different from the person sitting next to us.Physically, mentally, and spiritually.The world around us, society, and social media all try to morph us into some category…into a mold.But the truth is, we are much better off when

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Navigating Life

Did you just earn a promotion? Make time to start a new hobby? Take the next steps in your relationship? We each are on our own unique path in life. Comparing our lives to where someone else is in their

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True Happiness

You deserve happiness. True happiness, by your definition, not that of others. As humans, we will make mistakes or hit a bump in the road. But, this does not define us and we shouldn’t let it mean more than it

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Let’s Do This

Getting back into the swing of things can be extremely daunting after the year we have just had. I am here to help you learn how to balance both work and life. Together, we will work through some of the

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How Are You

Life can be exciting, exhausting, boring, and fun. The slightest changes in our thoughts can alter how we feel about where we are in our journey. It is important that we accept that in life we are going to have

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