
Positive Discipline

When we think of the word discipline, it is normal to think about it with a negative connotation. As a way to limit our freedoms.But, discipline can actually open up a door to new freedoms. It can gives us a

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What are Do Goals?

What are Do Goals? Do Goals are steps you create that require action. It’s not just having thoughts about it, but taking actual actions to achieve that goal. Have you lost your motivation? Did you stop believing that you could

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Intentional Constraint

Constraint is a restriction you put on yourself… to simplify your life while succeeding. Do you think your multitasking is really beneficial? I used to. Until I realized it really wasn’t. I always thought multitasking did 2 things: 1) let

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My word for 2022… INTENTIONAL

My word for 2022 is INTENTIONAL. I am going to make every effort I can to be present and intentionally choose to do only the things I want to, that bring me joy or some other purpose, including the purpose

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2021 was the year of Change

Happy New Year- Welcoming 2022!!! I was looking back through memories today and found this picture, circa 2015.I remember how different things were for me back then with how I approached things compared to now. You would never be able

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Choose your perspective…

This New Years Eve, I want you to do this… Allow yourself a moment to observe your life from a completely different perspective. Instead of focusing on failures or mistakes you’ve had, look at yourself from the eyes of an

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Saying goodbye…

“Saying goodbye is difficult and most of us don’t do it enough.”It’s an art to ‘constrain for great’, and it takes effort and work. So, just start already. Take a look around your home. Are the things you own things

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Cleaning out the closet…

As children, we develop thoughts that we start to repeat throughout our lifetime. These thoughts can include judgement of yourself and others. And when they are repetitive, they become our beliefs. But, judgement is optional. Ask yourself why you have

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The best gift of all…

While presents under the tree bring joy, a few days later, that joy starts to fade away. So, this holiday, give yourself and your children something they will be joyous about for years to come. The gift of true happiness-

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Whatever will be, will be…

Can you feel yourself relax when you just accept what is? Does the tension just slowly dissipate? What if nothing has gone wrong and everything is how it is supposed to be? Reach out to me today. I can help

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