
What Came First? The Urge or the Drink?

We have been trained like Pavlovian Dogs🐕 We all know this experiment, right? Where dogs were trained such that a bell was rung every time the bowl of food was put in front of them. The dogs learned that the

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Why is Quitting SO HARD?

How many times have you tried to quit, give in to the urge, and then feel it’s even harder the next time you try- to the point you don’t try anymore? When you try to quit and then give in,

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Learned Desires

The desire to drink is learned.Over time, social media, our friends and family, TV and music have all influenced our desires to drink and programmed our brain unconsciously to desire alcohol.The reason the desire has become so intense is because

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Why are you eating THAT?

Why are you eating that right now? What is your reason? Is it: 1) Fuel eating- when your body has the hunger sensation as a result of ghrelin hormone. It’s necessary to provide the energy your body needs to function🧠

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Intentional Eats…

Are you being intentional when you eat and with what you eat? Can you shift your mindset such that food is simply an energy source you use to fuel your body? It seems impossible, but it can be done. And

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The BS “Lose Weight” Resolution

So many people make losing weight be their New Year’s Resolution.I hate resolutions. They are a set up for failure. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just maintain a steady state for how we wanted to show up each

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Being in control with Urges

Are you consciously aware of your urges? What thoughts do you have that usually create them? When do they typically invade your brain? Does it feel like you never have the willpower to resist them and always give in? Is

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Are your outlets serving you?

Social media is just one outlet people use to avoid the reality of life.We use it to avoid personal feelings or situations that don’t feel good to us. To avoid things that are not fun. Need an example? Does fighting

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Living in a Bubble…

What is buffering? It’s when we create an imaginary bubble around us to protect us from feeling negative emotions. It may sound nice, but it keeps us from living our fullest lives and often leads to a negative outcome. We

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My Word for 2022 is INTENTIONAL

I’m sharing a video clip I recorded this week as a follow up to my post on my word for 2022- INTENTIONAL What can you do to improve your awareness so that you show up in a way each day

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