
Women Physician Wellness | Aruba

WPW CLARITY IN ARUBA WPW CLARITY gives attendees a chance to step back, reflect and examine the path their career has taken and what direction they want to steer their lives in next, both in and beyond medicine. Why WPW?

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Unconditional LOVE

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of living with dogs, then you know the delight that is the open-hearted joy and affection with which they greet you after spending a couple hours (or sometimes, even a couple minutes) apart. 🐶

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Love is an emotion.

Have you ever stopped to think about what love actually is? 🤔 Love is an emotion, and on its own, it doesn’t actually mean all that much. We believe that when we take actions INSPIRED by love that our relationships

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Do you know and BELIEVE that you are unconditionally loveable? 💜 We are ALL born 100% loveable and worthy. And we have the ability to love ourselves (our love-ability) in a way that is completely self-sufficient, if we choose to

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Conflict Resolution

Being one half of a couple can be one of the greatest experiences in life…and one of the most challenging. 🙉 It can be easy to focus on everything the other person is doing wrong and how you want them

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