
@dr.editheger knows what she is talking about.

@dr.editheger knows what she is talking about.   Small, one-degree changes in mindset can RADICALLY transform your life. 👏   Even lifelong habits can be completely transformed into patterns that serve to support your goals with subtle shifts in your

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Ask yourself what triggers your anger.

Anger is a way of avoiding feeling the pain that we feel when we are exposed to a situation that brings up another negative emotion such as fear, shame, disappointment, resentment, urgency, etc etc.   What are some of the

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I was PISSED when we took this picture.

I was PISSED when we took this picture. I people pleased to get a shot of this cute village in Portugal for my memory book, and was seething underneath…   The holiday season can be stressful for many of us,

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What is YOUR adversity quotient?

What is YOUR adversity quotient? 👀   ie: Your willingness to take on OPTIONAL adverse challenges? And, your persistence in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges…   It all comes down to how you CHOOSE to perceive adversity.   So…

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