
Being Intentional…

I’m keeping it simple this week… I’m gonna share some quotes that resonated with me this year. This week, make an effort to be mindful of what is happening around you. Be PRESENT. Be AWARE. Take PAUSE. Allow yourself to

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New Year, New Thoughts…

Is you inner voice serving you? With the New Year comes the option of new thoughts, new decisions, and new goals. Together, I can help you uncover which thoughts are serving you, and which ones are holding you back. Your

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Permission to Be Selfish

People think it’s selfish, when they put themselves first. I’m here to tell you that’s BS. It’s not. When you focus on your needs and the things required to help you be your best self, it will trickle down and

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Making the Change for 2022

We can learn something from every year we look back on. When we aren’t succeeding, we ARE learning. Because, when we don’t get the result we want, we got the lesson we needed. Coming up on the end of 2021,

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What’s an Urge Jar?🤔

OK MY FRIENDS! THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING AND SO ARE ALL THE URGES! SO- I want you to track how many urges you can allow without giving in to them.This is the worst time to start, right? WRONG!!! That’s your

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Allowing the urge to just be there…

Urges are desires generated by our thoughts. Thoughts such as: That birthday donut looks yummy, one won’t hurt. One bite of ice cream after dinner will hit the spot. It’s better than a bowlful. AND EVEN…Lemme check my phone real

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Up-level Your JOMO!

Let’s Turn Your FOMO into JOMO! You may be living under a rock if you don’t know that FOMO is “The Fear Of Missing Out”. But, have you heard of JOMO?… “The JOY Of Missing Out.” JOMO is when you

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Celebrating (B-) Work

B- work means accepting work that is imperfect, at least on your first try.Because, when we strive only for perfection, we usually don’t ever get started. Know that you can start a project and be OK with it not being

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Home for the Holidays…

So- for you first time parents of college students…How did the first Home for the Holidays go? 🦃 Was the visit sprinkled with tense and awkward moments? Was their time at home as you expected? Or did things not go

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