
The Gasoline for Your Success

What fuels your success? Do you rely on external validation to feel successful and happy with what you have created? Why does it matter what other people think or if they celebrate you? Do you then feel crappy when you

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Causes of Burn Out…

What is Burnout? Burnout occurs when you overwork yourself.It is usually brought on by the continued presence of these three things: 1) Stressful thoughts that you are choosing to think 2) Lack of or poor pre-planning 3) Scarcity mindset when

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Taking a Break or Being A Slacker?

Are you kind to yourself and build in rest periods after creating your product as part of your weekly schedule? OR Do you procrastinate, get distracted easily by more enjoyable things and give up often without reaching your goals? How

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What is Burn Out?

Are you the type of person who is always on the go- trying to stay ahead of the storm?Do you work non-stop and burn yourself out because you won’t rest until everything is done?Have you ever asked yourself how often

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Certification Day!!

Celebrating Coach Certification Day at The Life Coach School!WOO HOO!! Today the April cohort of coaches in training, myself included, became certified as life coaches after months of increasing our awareness and applying the skills of service we have been

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What’s so bad about Anxiety?

This boy looks totally stressed out here, doesn’t he? Yeah, right!! Don’t we all wish we could avoid stress and anxiety all the time and just fall asleep wherever? 🤪 Overcoming anxiety does not happen by avoiding it.Accepting your anxiety

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When Anxiety has become Comfortable…

When you find yourself waking up with anxiety… your body has programmed itself to do what is easiest and routine for it. When you become “good at” having anxiety, it becomes a habit, just like brushing your teeth. You don’t

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Handling Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling, a vibration that thrives on vagueness. 🥺 Anxiety itself is harmless, and it’s purpose is to cue us up for survival mode. Our resistance and reaction to anxiety is what causes the problems. In caveman times,

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The Process of Change

Take a moment to think. What is one thing in your life that is not working for you? Pick one thing and be specific. For example, poor communication with a partner. What are you doing that is creating the undesired

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Steps of Awareness

Becoming truly aware of your thoughts is the first step of growth.✨ We as humans have varying phases of consciousness in the process of mindset growth: 🔹 Unconsciousness: This is where many people are most of the day. Something as

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