
Teach Your Brain

Many of us are anticipating some relief as the school year gets underway and our daily routines start to return. We are ready to get back into that phase of life! Maybe you have put off cleaning out your closet,

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Create New Thoughts

Being the watcher of your own thought patterns is the first step to changing your automatic belief pathways. Here is how to start: 1. Become aware of your thoughts.Stand aside and be a compassionate observer without trying to change anything.

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Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Businesses are struggling with finding staff these days. Oftentimes, the staff who are hired are different from their employers in so many ways. Their behavior, their attire, their attitude, and their work ethic may all be somewhat different from ours.

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Change Doesn’t Come Easily

Become more aware about what you are thinking. Did you show up this week in a way that you aren’t proud of? Do you know what you were thinking when you acted this way? Wouldn’t it be great if you

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September 11

We all remember exactly where we were when the first plane hit. I was in residency and had just arrived at my outpatient pediatric ENT clinic rotation. I vividly recall walking into the waiting room entrance and seeing a plane

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Commit to Yourself

Do you find yourself having thoughts similar to these… 🔹 I wish I had more time.🔹 I have all of these ideas but can’t seem to move forward.🔹 I can never finish all that I need to accomplish.🔹 I’m the

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You are You

Are you ready to coach ONE on ONE?Just you and me. I will be your personal weekly coach and we will build that continuity.Let’s focus hard on you, what you are thinking, what you are feeling, and what you want

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Transform Your Life

What is mindset coaching?Let me share with you how I discovered and learned more about what it is. When I reflect back to March of 2020 amidst the onset of COVID and the shutdown, I remember thinking to myself, “How

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How is Coaching Different?

Many people don’t really know what coaching is, or how it differs from formal therapy. Let me help bring some clarity to this. Therapy is useful in helping individuals who struggle to perform at their baseline by diagnosing a problem

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She’s Always Late

We may set certain boundaries to keep others from intruding on our privacy or from crossing our lines. If someone you know or love is becoming intrusive, set consequences for the actions that you will take in response. Your response

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