
Boundaries aren’t Negative

People assume that setting boundaries only comes from a place of negativity, but, this is not necessarily the case. The boundaries you establish are there to allow you to love and respect yourself.Other people are allowed to set boundaries as

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💜💙 A boundary is a clear request that we make of others from a place of love. Boundaries are there to help prevent humans from violating things that bother us in our life. When we set a boundary with someone,

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Stop Holding Others to Your Expectations

We’ve talked about how our minds can create unspoken rule books that we expect others to follow. Isn’t funny to think that even if we don’t necessarily tell these people about these manuals that we have, we still hold them

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Throw Out the Manuals

Have to ever stopped to think about the fact that most humans have unwritten rule books for most everyone else, expecting them to behave a certain way? Look around you…do you have people in your life that you have manuals

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What is a Manual?

A Manual is a set of rules or expectations that we create for certain people to meet in order for us to feel content or happy. When those people fail to meet those requirements, we can be left feeling angry

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Empty Nester

One week ago today we drove off leaving our eldest to start the next phase of her life, and we also started ours. I realized I spent the days prior to her college move-in date resisting my feelings of sadness,

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Understand What You Can Control

Your thoughts ultimately impact your actions. This means, being able to control your thoughts can change the way you react during certain situations with other people. Understanding why you may feel the way you do, and changing the thought patterns

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Are Your Thoughts Serving You?

If you have found yourself struggling to identify why you are having problems around a relationship, Thought Work, MD is here to help! Having a relationship with another person automatically means you both will have your own thoughts about things,

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Choose to Feel Love

Your thoughts and emotions will differ with each relationship you have. Whether it is with your spouse, friend, or family member, the quality of each relationship we have is dictated by our thoughts. How you feel toward another person is

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Love is an emotion that causes an action, which most of the time results in good.But be aware that our actions that are generated from the feelings of love we have may not be received by others in a way

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