
Authenticity. Courage. Empowerment.

Women Physicians Supporting Women PhysiciansJoin a community of strength. . .that’s who we ALL areCelebrate the victories. . .with others who understandShare the struggles. . .and receive kindness, compassion, resources, and wisdom.See & feel that you are not alone. .

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Reaching Your End Goal

✨✨ How to Use Mind Over Matter to Achieve Your Dreams✨✨🔹 Decide EXACTLY what you want (one way to do this is to write down what you don’t want, and then go from there).🔹 COMMIT to achieving your dreams, no

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Just Decide Already!

One of the biggest causes of mental fog and confusion is not being decisive. 🌫️Decision paralysis used to keep me feeling stuck and unable to progress in life. I was running on autopilot, letting others make decisions for me, or

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Decision Debt

Debt is when you owe something, or you are in the red.Being aware of the areas of our lives in which we are currently in debt is the first step toward making changes. 🦋Decision debt is when you refuse to

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Like a BOSS…

We’ve all heard of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but what about post-traumatic growth? 🦋Where post-traumatic stress refers to the negative thoughts and feelings that can persist after a frightening event, post-traumatic growth refers to opting in on focusing on the

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Happy National Women Physician’s Day

Yesterday was National Women Physician’s Day. Today I share a letter that was shared with me a few years ago (1999) by a colleague and find it interesting how so much of what is written still remains true. Including the

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Hello Eore, Welcome to Self-Pity

There is often confusion around what self-pity actually is, and how it can affect your life.First of all:🚫 Self-pity is NOT the same as being depressed. Self-pity is feeling excessively sorry for yourself and discouraged about your current situation in

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Authenticity. Courage. Empowerment.

Craving community?Community helps us go farther and faster. . .Community shows us that we aren’t alone and we are cared about. . .Community reminds us of who we are and helps us find our way. . .even during the darkest

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Victimization VS Victimhood

Victimization comes from the outside – it’s what someone does to you. Victimhood / Victim mentality comes from the inside- what you choose to hold onto from the victimization. The sneaky thing about victim mentality is that you can have

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